From Humble
If you feel the American Dream is dying, our story exists to serve as an
example that the American Dream is alive and well. You won't
hear about it thriving in the national news unfortunately. Look to your
own local news to see genuine, small family-owned businesses thriving
despite the current challenges they face in this country. Nikki (Dardin)
Conley's love and fascination with apples began decades before the
concept of Athol Orchards would ever take root. Back when life was just
From our earliest days selling our Signature Apple Cider Syrups at the
local Kootenai County Farmers Market and Athol Farmers Market, we
could have never imagined where the journey would lead. We've been
overwhelmed and blessed with successes that we had only dreamed about
for our family and our preservation apple orchard-based business.
It has cost us endless days of literal blood, sweat, and tears, but that is
what the American Dream is all about. Being brave enough to face the
challenges, and stubborn enough to persevere when the goal posts keep
moving into the distance.
Celebrate the American Dream with us and check out some of our spotlight moments. We are extremely proud of how the Northwest and now a broader audience has not only embraced our unique business, but has elevated us to levels we could have never dreamed of. The future is brighter every day.

Melissa K. Norris-
Pioneering Today Podcast:
Heirloom Apple Varieties & Saving Them for
Future Generations
Featuring: Nikki Conley of Athol Orchards

photo credit: suzy colling
The Epoch Times, New York :


The Farm Made Cookbook
Athol Orchards Antique Apple Farm featured in the very first, "The FarmMade Cookbook: Traditional Recipes from America's Farmers". The feature showcases Nikki's personal recipe for
New England Style Apple Dumplings with her own artistic baking skills. Recipe includes the use of Athol Orchards Apple Cider Caramel